Championing the ambition
for East West Rail
The East West Main Line Partnership (previously the East West Rail Consortium) is led by local authorities and works closely with sub-national transport bodies, LEPs, government and its agencies to realise the vision for an East West Main Line. This is based on six areas of interest:
The business imperative for East West Rail

Our new brochure showcases how the region’s businesses, science and innovation parks and universities all say East West Rail cannot be built soon enough in order to deliver for the UK economy.
Consultation Response

The Main Line Partnership Board has responded to the East West Rail Company non-statutory consultation. EWR is not just a rail project, but a catalyst for a lasting legacy that continues to provide benefits for many years to come. Read the response here.
Delivery of Oxford-Cambridge

The Partnership will continue to work with government and the East West Railway Company to support delivery of Oxford-Cambridge (including Aylesbury-Milton Keynes) at the earliest opportunity.
Coast-to-coast connectivity

For East West Rail to realise its full potential, direct services must extend beyond Oxford-Cambridge. Its potential should truly be ‘coast to coast' - from Norfolk and Suffolk to Bristol and south Wales
North-south connectivity

It is important to recognise that East West Rail is not just about improving east-west connectivity: it is integral to improving connectivity across the country
Interchange and strategic transport hubs

The East West Main Line’s potential to connect to services on other main lines is significant. Frictionless interchange is required for onward rail journeys and to other modes.
A 21st Century main line

The East West Main Line should reflect the 21st century communities it serves. It must be an exemplar for its high-quality standards of design, construction and operation.