Vegetation Clearance Work to Start on'Mothballed' Railway Line
OVER the coming months Network Rail is carrying out de vegetation clearance and topographical and winter ecology surveys on a section of track which has no running trains in preparation for work which will upgrade the railway line between Claydon Junction and Bedford.
This section of track which forms part of the East West Rail scheme will re-establish a rail link between Oxford and Bedford, Milton Keynes and Aylesbury and involves upgrading and reconstructing underused and disused sections of railway.
The main vegetation clearance work will be taking place on a piece of track that has no running trains from just outside Steeple Claydon through to Bletchley. Work will also be carried out along the live railway between Bicester and Steeple Claydon.
Ecologists will be on site throughout the works to assess potential bat roosts in trees, structures and buildings and to supervise the clearance work and ensure it is carried out in a manner which will not impact on local ecology.
Residents who live adjacent to the line will be informed by letter when work is to take place in their area.
For any enquiries relating to this work, please contact the Network Rail Help Line on 08457 11 41 41.