Oxford Parkway Station Takes Shape
Preparation on the brand new Oxford Parkway station started at the end of October and it is already starting to take shape.
Following the erection of the steelwork frame, the structure is now having cladding put around it to protect it from the weather so that work can begin inside the building in the new year.
- Test 4
Once completed, Oxford Parkway will be one of the best located stations in the county due to its positioning adjacent to the existing Water Eaton park and ride site just off the A34 and close to the A44.
Oxford Parkway has been designed as a modern transport hub and is expected to be hugely attractive to those living in north Oxfordshire wanting to escape the congestion of Oxford city centre. The new station will have level access and integrated transport with over 100 cycle spaces, 800+ car parking spaces and access to the many buses serving the park and ride site.
Rob Brighouse, Managing Director at Chiltern Railways said: “Oxford Parkway will transform travel between Oxford and London when it launches in summer 2015. Our new station and service will provide significant economic, social and environmental benefits for people in Oxfordshire.”
The new line between Oxford and London Marylebone is planned to launch from Oxford Parkway in September 2015 with services to London Marylebone in just under an hour and from Oxford city centre in spring 2016. The station will also serve East West Rail services between Oxford, Bedford and Milton Keynes from March 2019, when the sections of the railway line between Bicester Town and Bedford, Aylesbury and Bletchley have been upgraded and re-opened.
Work on this project is taking place through a partnership between Network Rail and Chiltern Railways who are managing delivery of the project through the Bicester to Oxford Collaboration.