Eastern Section Prospectus

The improvement of East West Rail’s Eastern Section – covering Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk – will support growth and enable the scheme to be a strategic and resilient rail link which realises its full potential.

The Consortium’s Eastern Section Prospectus shows that a direct rail link between Ipswich, Norwich and Oxford would unlock £17.5bn for the region’s economy.

The link would boost economic output and create 120,000 jobs across East Anglia, connecting high value economies in key growth locations in Suffolk and Norfolk with those in places such as Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Aylesbury and Oxford.

The Eastern Section Rail Prospectus calls for improved journey times and service frequencies from Ipswich and Norwich to Cambridge, and direct services to Oxford. It also calls for the line to allow for a direct freight link between Felixstowe and south west England.

With the necessary support, the Eastern Section rail improvements could be in place during the early and mid-2020s – broadly the same period as the sections between Oxford and Cambridge are due to be delivered. Such investment provides an excellent financial return to the UK economy and communities.

Read the full news release

Read the update on the Eastern Section from our January 30 2020 Strategic Board

For more information please contact Kerry Allen: Kerry.Allen@suffolk.gov.uk