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8 August 2011 Stakeholder Workshop

On 5 February this year the Consortium organised a Stakeholder Workshop with council cabinet members and chief officers from many of the line of route local authorities. The workshop was facilitated by Cllr. David Robertson deputy leader of Oxfordshire County Council. The aim of the workshop was threefold. Primarily the Consortium sought to engage with […]

8 November 2010 Progress Report: Meeting with Rail Minister and inclusion in HLOS

Following the completion of the GRIP 4 design and business case work in July 2010, the East West Rail Consortium is progressing with some refinement of the railway infrastructure design to reflect current strategic thinking emerging from the Department for Transport. Primarily this involves assessing the impact of introducing a twin track railway from Oxford […]

8 June 2010 East West Rail Business Plan reveals strong business case for the project

The East West Rail Consortium has completed its latest stage of development work on the western section of the project. The business case and detailed engineering design work (known as GRIP 4) is now complete and has revealed an exceptionally strong case for the project. The GRIP 4 study has established a feasible design to […]

3 March 2010 Statement on the Central Section

The East West Rail Consortium has recently completed its review of route options for the Central Section of the overall route, broadly the area between Milton Keynes and Cambridge. This work complements the progress that is being made on the Western Section (Oxford/Aylesbury – Bletchley – Milton Keynes – Bedford). Following examination of the how […]

15 January 2010 Welcome announcement of new London to Oxford rail route

The East West Rail Consortium welcomes the official launch of Chiltern Railway’s Evergreen 3 project by The Secretary of State for Transport, Lord Adonis on Friday 15 January. Evergreen 3 is set to deliver a new rail route from London to Oxford by connecting the Chiltern and East West routes at Bicester and upgrading the […]

23 November 2009 Central Section options under consideration

The East West Rail Consortium is still developing a preferred option for reinstating a rail link between Bedford and Cambridge. A discussion paper was published in February identifying a number of alternative routes and invited comments from local and regional stakeholders, as well as the Department for Transport and Network Rail. A number of consultation […]

27 October 2009 Site Investigations continue for East West Rail

Outline design work continues apace on the western section of East West Rail with additional site investigation starting this month. The work will include excavating trial trenches along the route and making a number of boreholes to help engineers understand the condition of the ground before designing any necessary ground improvements. The site investigation is […]

17 April 2009 East West Rail & Chiltern Railways go public

The East West Rail Consortium, Milton Keynes Partnership and Chiltern Railways will be presenting their plans for developing the railway between Oxford, Bicester Town and Milton Keynes to the public this month at exhibitions in Bicester (17th April), Oxford (18th April) and Kidlington (25th April). With two major projects being developed at the same time, […]

18 February 2009 Options for bridging ‘the missing link’ revisited

The East West Rail Consortium has today published a discussion paper re-examining the route options for the East West Rail link between Bedford and Cambridge. With the East of England Regional Assembly and the Government Office for the East of England developing an implementation plan for the regional spatial strategy and regional economic strategy, the […]

16 January 2009 Clearing the way for East West Rail design

Around 20 kilometres of disused railway line between Bletchley and Claydon Junction stations will be cleared of scrub, brambles and overgrown vegetation so that survey and investigation work can be carried out for the design development phase of the East West Rail project. Starting on 26 January, the clearance will take two to three weeks […]

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